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Burning For Her Kiss Page 18
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Page 18
Her breath hitched and her fingers picked up their pace. A few moments later, she released a strangled moan as her muscles pulsed around him. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever.
When she finally stilled and opened her eyes again, he was still hard and teetering on the edge. It wouldn’t take much to make him come.
Beth smiled and gave him a long, languid kiss. And while she kept their bodies joined, she remained amazingly still. He needed friction.
In that vein, Drew lifted his hips.
She broke the kiss and stood.
He nearly cried.
That is until Beth turned herself around and began to lower herself onto him again—this time giving him a prime view of her ass.
Beth had almost forgotten how much fun this was. Okay, that wasn’t true. She hadn’t forgotten. Not really. But she didn’t realize how much she’d missed this feeling of being in complete control of her pleasure as well as her partner’s.
Given that she had Drew exactly where she wanted him at the moment, she figured she’d provide him a nice view as she milked his cum from him. They’d talked about him being an ass man, and he’d more than proven it to be true over the short time they’d been together. At every opportunity, his hands went straight for her backside.
As soon as she seated herself on his cock again, his breathing picked up, and he began to buck his hips. She could only imagine how badly he wanted his hands free. It would be interesting to see how he felt about the restriction . . . after.
She braced her hands on his knees, and rocked in time with him. It felt good, and another orgasm began to build low in her belly.
His thrusts became more aggressive and she knew he was getting close. She shifted her weight to one hand and began massaging her clit.
“Please tell me you’re close. I don’t know if I can hold on much longer,” he panted.
Beth was close. Closer than even she realized.
Her second climax hit her without much warning. One moment she was climbing the peak, and then the next she was flying. She cried out as her orgasm claimed her.
A few moments later, as she was coming back down to earth, she realized Drew was chanting her name. Running her hands along his inner thighs, she nudged his balls out of the way, and began rubbing his perineum.
He went off like a rocket—her name left his lips in a gasp.
She gave him some time and then twisted around so that she could see his face. He looked up at her and blew out a shaky breath.
Beth chuckled and reached behind the chair to loosen the scarf. “I’m going to go clean up. I’ll be back in a minute.”
Drew nodded, and she lifted herself from his lap.
The loss she felt was frightening. She’d always enjoyed sex . . . even more so after she’d discovered kink. This was something altogether different.
Trying not to dwell too much on what she was feeling, she gathered up her discarded clothes, and strolled into the half bathroom right off the kitchen. She took a few minutes to go to the bathroom and clean herself up.
When she walked back into the kitchen with a damp cloth, Drew was standing beside the chair, still naked, with a huge grin on his face. She laid the cloth on the counter and took a quick look at his wrists. There were a few red marks, but nothing that would last more than an hour or two.
After her brief inspection, he glanced down at both his wrists.
“You may want to roll your shoulders a few times. It will help prevent stiffness,” she said, reaching for the cloth and handing it to him.
Once he’d cleaned himself, he did as she suggested and rolled his shoulders several times. She took the opportunity to go back to preparing dinner. It was already after six thirty. Now that she wasn’t ready to jump his bones, her body was making its other needs known.
She heard him moving around behind her as she turned the oven back on to warm the steak and potatoes. The potatoes would be fine—she wasn’t worried about that. The steak was a completely different story. It had only been cooking for four or five minutes before she’d turned everything off. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be too chewy.
Turning around, she came face to face with Drew. Before she could say anything, he wrapped his arms around her, and buried his nose in the crook of her neck.
Beth didn’t hesitate to return the hug. It felt good to have a man’s arms around her again. Even if she was still scared of getting hurt.
“That was amazing,” he murmured against her skin.
“So you enjoyed your first experience with bondage?”
He pulled back enough to see her face, and ran a hand along her cheek. “It was . . . well, it’s hard to describe. Not being able to touch you when I wanted to was frustrating. But knowing you could do anything you wanted to me and I couldn’t stop you”—he brushed his lips against hers—“I’m not sure I’ve been so turned on in my life.”
She smiled. “So you’d like to do it again?”
Drew kissed her. He took his time, and she felt herself melting into his embrace. “You can tie me up anytime you want.”
Beth laughed and circled her arms around his neck. “Good to know.” They stood there for several minutes touching and kissing until the timer she’d set went off.
Drew laid out the plates and silverware while she got the food out of the oven and brought it to the table. By the time everything was in place and they were ready to sit down and eat, it was almost seven. He held out her chair for her. When he’d set the table he’d made sure to seat them side by side rather than across from each other as they’d been on Saturday night. Throughout the meal, he continued to touch her. Sometimes it was little more than a brush of her hand or arm. With every caress, she felt her libido revving up again.
She cleared her throat. “We should talk about tonight.”
He took a bite of his food. “What about it?”
“Was there anything I did that you didn’t like?”
His answer was immediate. “No.”
“Nothing?” she asked.
“I’ll admit you did a few things that surprised me, but considering I don’t remember the last time I came like that . . . no, I can’t say there was anything you did that I didn’t like.”
She was quiet for a few moments. “Speaking of coming, I know we didn’t really talk about protection. I get a shot every three months, but we still should have talked about that. I’m sorry. I got caught up—”
“It’s fine,” he said, laying a hand on her arm to stop her rambling. “We’d already talked about us both being clean and I trust that you’d be careful about pregnancy.”
“Still, it was irresponsible of me.”
He finished the rest of his dinner before he responded. “I could have said something, too. It wasn’t as if you had me gagged or anything. I am an adult, remember. I have a condom in my wallet. My dad taught me always to carry one. Just in case.”
She grinned. “Very good advice.”
“It was. And it came in handy more than once over the years.” He turned to face her. “When I realized that you weren’t going to use anything, the only thing I felt was happiness that there wouldn’t be anything between us. I’m twenty-eight and I’ve never had sex without a condom. The main reason for that was that I’ve never been in a relationship before where I intended it to last for any length of time. It was something I’d considered with my last girlfriend, but then things fell apart and I’m glad I decided not to go there. Maybe, deep down, I knew how she’d react to my desires and that’s why I never broached the subject.”
Even though he didn’t say it, she knew what he was implying. Drew was making a commitment to her. To them. He didn’t have plans to go anywhere anytime soon. It left her with mixed feelings. She didn’t want him to go anywhere, but at the same time it was a big step given they’d only been on one official date.
Deciding it was best not to dwell on it, she changed the subject. “Wednesday starts your four days
off. Did you want to try a scene or would you rather wait?”
“If it means you having your wicked way with me again, then yes. I want to try a scene.”
Beth ignored his flippant response. “I was thinking we should keep it simple. Since you enjoy bondage, we could work that in as well as some impact play. Are you up for that?”
He must have realized how nervous she was because he clasped her hand and squeezed. “Beth, I trust you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. As long as it’s not a hard limit, I want you to do what you want. I promise that I’ll use my safewords if it gets too much. That’s what they’re there for, right?”
She nodded. “Right.”
Drew was quiet for a moment. “You’re not having second thoughts about us, are you?”
“No.” She smiled and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Ben and I had been dating a few months before we started playing.”
“I get it. It took me four months to get up the courage to bring up something as simple as bondage in my last relationship.”
“And I tied you to a chair on the second date.”
He laughed. “Yeah.”
Drew hadn’t let go of her hand. Their eyes met, and he moved closer, drawing her in.
“Did you want to spend the night?” she asked as his lips drew closer to her mouth.
“I have to work tomorrow,” he whispered. “I have to be in at seven, and I don’t have any clothes here.”
She placed her palms flat on his chest and began moving them lower. “What I have in mind wouldn’t involve clothing. And besides, my alarm goes off at five. Surely that would give you enough time to get home and change.”
His response came in actions rather than words. He stood, taking her by the hands. “How fast do you think we can get this cleaned up?”
Cleaning up was the last thing she was worried about given the heated look he was giving her. “It can wait until tomorrow.”
The words were barely out of her mouth when he began leading her toward the stairs.
Chapter 18
While the alarm had gone off at five, they hadn’t made it out of bed until after five thirty. Saying goodbye to Beth had taken another twenty-five minutes—not that he would have changed anything. It was the first time in the last seven years that he’d wanted to call in sick. He knew his crew was counting on him, however, so he made himself do what he had to do.
He made it home at six twenty-four. Shawn was already gone. Drew took one of the fastest showers of his life, threw on his uniform, downed a bagel and some orange juice, and jogged back out to his car.
The station was buzzing with activity when he arrived at ten after seven. Several of the guys greeted him as he made his way to the locker room. It was in the locker room that he ran into Shawn.
“Good morning.” His friend shot him a knowing smile.
“Morning.” Drew tried to act normal as he stowed his keys and wallet into his assigned locker, but the writing was already on the wall. Shawn was aware that he hadn’t come home last night. He also knew Drew had had a date with Beth. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to put the two together.
His friend waited until the other guys exited the locker room before he started in with the questioning. “Last night went well, huh?”
Well didn’t begin to cover it. After they’d gone to her bedroom, they’d had another round of hot and heavy sex. That time he was able to touch her to his heart’s content. Afterward, they’d talked more about what they wanted to explore when it came to the BDSM side of their relationship. For some reason, he’d always envisioned negotiations taking place across a table like you see on those cop shows—stark interrogation room, harsh lighting, that sort of thing. This was about as far removed from that as could be. They’d talked for hours tangled in each other’s arms.
Shawn whistled, causing Drew to look up. “Must have been some night if you’re daydreaming about it already.”
Drew felt the heat surging in his cheeks. He turned his head so his friend couldn’t see.
Patting him on the back, Shawn walked toward the door. “I’m happy for you. Enjoy it.”
After shutting his locker and taking a deep breath, Drew went out to meet with his crew—and maybe get a little more breakfast. They had work to do, and if they weren’t too busy with calls, he wanted to get some training in as well. The training was more for his benefit than theirs. Drew needed to keep busy. The faster the next twenty-four hours went, the better.
Normally when Beth was late to work, it threw her entire day into a tailspin. She hated being late.
Tommy, who had known her for nearly seven years, knew this about her. That was why he immediately became suspicious when she floated around the kitchen humming to herself during morning prep, even though she’d come in nearly twenty minutes late. He stopped what he was doing and stared her down.
“What?” she asked when she noticed him looking.
“I’m trying to figure out why you’re so cheery this morning.”
She grinned as memories of the night before came back to her.
“Ah.” Tommy smiled and nodded. “Things are going well with the firefighter.”
Beth had no reason to deny it. “They are.”
“Good. I’m glad.” He reached around her to grab a large mixing bowl from the shelf. When he returned to his position beside her, he nudged her with his hip. “Make sure he treats you right.”
Although she didn’t comment, the look on her face must have been answer enough for Tommy.
When the doors opened at seven, people began flooding in. Almost every week they were busier than the one before. She’d been considering hiring another employee, if for no other reason than to give her and Tommy a break every now and then.
It was as they were closing the café down that afternoon that Beth broached the subject with Tommy. “What do you think about me hiring someone to help us around here?”
He looked up from where he was wiping the front counter. “You mean another employee?”
She nodded.
“I think it’s a good idea. If things keep picking up, you and I aren’t going to be able to handle it on our own.”
“I know. And with summer just around the corner, it’s probably going to get even busier.”
On her way home that evening, Beth swung by the store and picked up a help wanted sign for her front window. Maybe she’d get lucky and have someone see the sign and apply. If not, she’d have to place an ad in the local paper. She had plenty of foot traffic, though. Odds were someone who frequented her café was either in need of a job or knew someone who was.
That night she opened her toy chest and laid everything on her bed. Beth sorted the items based on what Drew had put on his checklist. Everything not on his list she tucked away in the bottom drawer of her dresser. The rest she cleaned and then returned to the chest so they would be easily accessible when she needed them.
With that accomplished, Beth made herself some dinner, and then curled up on the couch to call Nicole.
“Well, how was it? Please tell me you fucked that boy senseless.”
Beth laughed. “Well, hello to you, too.”
“Pfft. Save the pleasantries for later. Come on. Spill. You two did have sex, didn’t you?”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes.”
“And . . . we’ll be doing it again tomorrow.” Beth picked up the bowl of ice cream she’d brought into the living room with her.
“It’s about time.”
“It was only our second date.”
“Maybe technically. But tell me you didn’t want to see him naked the first time you laid eyes on him.”
Beth chuckled as she licked the ice cream from her spoon. “I think half the women in Serpent’s Kiss wanted to see him naked.”
“You think that’s changed? Something tells me the first time you two scene at the club you’re going to have an audience.”
> “I figured. Somehow, I don’t think Drew is all that into exhibitionism.”
“He’ll get over it.”
Although Drew didn’t strike her as a man who had issues with his body, it was one thing to be comfortable in your own skin. It was another to have a dozen people watching you get your rocks off. “We’ll have to talk it over. Honestly, it’s not even something I’m thinking about yet. We need to get through our first scene before we add anything else to the mix.”
“Something holding you up? I would have thought you two would jump right into it.”
“His schedule. He’s in the middle of a rotation,” Beth said, figuring Nicole would understand since she knew how their scheduling worked.
“Makes sense. It wouldn’t be good if he experienced subdrop in the middle of a shift.”
The thought had crossed Beth’s mind. She worried about his safety enough as it was. It was one of the reasons she’d asked him to spend the night. “We’re going to try on Wednesday evening. He’s coming over for dinner, and then we’ll see how things go from there.”
“I’m happy for you.”
“Yeah, well, don’t count your chickens yet. He might realize after he gets a full taste of submission that he doesn’t like it.”
Nicole let out a noise that sounded somewhere between a whine and a snort. “You actually believe that?”
“It could happen.”
“And pigs could fly.”
She was right. It was a long shot. Especially given his reaction to being bound. “I know you’re right. I just—”
“Stop worrying. Things are going great, right? Just go with it.”
“I’ll try.”
Nicole sighed. “Don’t try. Do.”
Beth rolled her eyes. “Okay, Obi-Wan.”
“I supposed I should give you credit for at least getting the movie reference.”
“Why, thank you so much for your generosity.” Beth chuckled and went to put her empty bowl in the dishwasher. She glanced over at the clock and was surprised to see how late it was. “I should probably let you go and get myself ready for bed.”
“You do want to be fully rested for your big night tomorrow.”